On-board / train /
re-skill / engage

AVDOe is a secure training and engagement platform
that helps organisations recruit, on-board and train more competent, and loyal teams in a dedicated brand environment, surrounded by like-minded, motivated colleagues.


It is also an excellent customer engagement tool, allowing deep pre-programmed and live brand and product dives.

Feature overview

Focused environment

Individual learning pace

Expert quality control

Study materials

Video lectures


Live classes


Interactive quizzes


AVDOe can be used to create custom on-boarding programs that help new employees familiarise themselves with company culture, policies, and procedures. This can enhance the overall onboarding experience and accelerate the time it takes for new hires to become productive.
Assessment, training
& certification

AVDOe can be used to evaluate the employee and candidate skills. Training modules can then address any identified skill gaps and ensure team members are better prepared for their roles. Candidates can be provided access to selected training resources, showcasing the company’s commitment to employee development.


The platform can offer a certification program to verify skills required for specific roles. Candidates and current employees can complete these certifications to demonstrate their qualifications and suitability for respective positions.

Re-skilling /

AVDOe is a tested tool for re-skilling and up-skilling employees, providing an easily manageable, versatile and secure platform for training and professional development. It can be used to conduct assessments, create tailored learning paths, offer micro-learning modules that focus on specific skills or topics and cross-functional training, providing opportunities for employees to gain skills in areas beyond their current roles.


The platform allows external content integration, including lectures, masterclasses and podcasts, supplementing internal training programs and ensuring employees have access to a diverse range of up-to-date resources.

digital environment

AVDOe can follow the look and feel of any brand, making browsing the platform a familiar, brand-enhancing experience.

An easy-to-navigate online space encourages users to stay longer,
explore more, and engage with the content.

Product training

Training modules can educate both employees and customers about your products or services. This can enhance product appreciation and lead to higher loyalty.


Providing customers with access to a brand resource library – tutorials, guides, and FAQs can help them troubleshoot issues, understand features, and get the most value from your products.

Virtual events & community engagement

AVDOe can host live virtual events – presentations, masterclasses, and product demonstrations – allowing customers to learn more about your products, ask questions, and interact with your team. This fosters a sense of community and allows customers to share their experiences, perspectives, and best practices.

Introduce consistent training and information field
for employees
AVDOe can host live virtual events – presentations, masterclasses, and product demonstrations – allowing customers to learn more about your products, ask questions, and interact with your team. This fosters a sense of community and allows customers to share their experiences, perspectives, and best practices.
Need advice?

Not sure if AVDOe is right for you?

Drop us a message and let’s talk about it.


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