Answering the call

Efficient application of human resources is one of the fundamental challenges businesses of all sizes face. Remote working has drastically expanded the pool of potential candidates to include hitherto unavailable parts of the country (and other countries), as well as previously underutilised workers whose needs aren’t suited to traditional working models (e.g. those, caring for young children).

Оrganising high quality onboarding, training, up-skilling, re-skilling and continuous development of the workforce is a considerable challenge, exacerbated if the staff is distributed.

AVDO aims to help enterprises address these issues by providing a way to engage large number of employees and provide them with access to high quality educational materials at relatively low cost.

A reliable source
of high quality material

AVDO is in the process of building up a reasonably sized library of high quality vocational courses across a wide variety of subjects.

The aim is to offer one or two options per subject, focusing on both the quality and relevance of content as well as tutor availability.

Once the course library is complete, enterprise clients will be able to build programs of their own, with optional support by course tutors.