

We help organisations define their purpose and translate it into 

– Behaviour, communications and innovation

– Custom, efficient, scalable Organisation design 

– Business direction & resource planning

– Cross-functional collaboration towards a common goal

And functional strategies across

– Digital

– Finance

– HR

– Marketing &

– Operations

How we do it

1. Discovery

We begin with a deep dive into the organisation – its market environment, goals, resources at its disposal, and barriers on the way to objectives. Using a number of proprietary techniques, we can analyse both the business side as well as interpersonal relationships, identifying bottlenecks that can’t be fixed with an executive order.

2. Definition

We help the client team produce a tailored, actionable solution.


Our role here is to provide expert support, help the team preserve that knowledge and  ensure efficient cooperation, picking up on and addressing those “interpersonal bottlenecks” if they resurface.

3. Delivery

Once the team has developed the strategy, we support them in implementing it. 

This may take many forms – from developing corresponding operational processes to encouraging behavioural changes.  A successful strategy is intuitively understood and naturally accepted by employees.

Who is involved
No strategy is successful without a broad stakeholder coalition

1. Owners / Chief Officers

We begin by bringing top management on the same page. Sometimes this includes acknowledging the existence of a problem. Whenever we look for answers, the question is “What’s wrong?” and never “Who’s fault?” 

2. Senior management

Change can be exhilarating and hopeful or stressful and alienating. It is also inevitable and, in the current climate, pretty much constant. We help employees act as a team and be comfortable with fluidity. 

3. Wider team

Corporate histories are littered with promising strategies that were never implemented. We make sure that, whatever the team develops, is used and pushes the organisation forward. 


Subject to specific project goals, but usually includes

A common understanding of where things are, what the company wants to achieve and what is required to get there

– Layers of the organisation working together towards that goal

– A healthy operational culture & interpersonal collaboration

– Optimistic embrace of change as a powerful tool 

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