Will Remote Working Drastically Expand Talent Pools?

by - 22 March 2022

Remote working allows transnational teams

Several weeks into remote working have demonstrated that for many industries and professions, lack of physical contact does not, at least in the mid-term, substantially decrease the quality or efficiency of the output. 

As companies grow progressively accustomed to remote co-working, it poses a question – could they exponentially widen their talent pools? 

When sitting in the same room is no longer a prerequisite of a successful delivery, do colleagues have to sit in the same country? 

Remote working lowers barriers

If continuous transnational co-working could be organised, the barriers of old – the relocation costs, visa denials – would no longer be critical. At the very least, remote co-working would allow extended trial periods. 

Adapting to time zones & culture

Continuous remote co-working would bring its challenges.

  • Separation by time zones may call for a new rhythm where colleagues spend a part of their day collaborating, and the remaining hours – working in solitude, which may actually be beneficial to both productivity and staff wellbeing. 
  • Not sharing any social time would make it more difficult to understand and follow the company’s culture; or even to have one. A remedy will need to be found, but it could range from in-office induction weeks to creative use of digital tools. If a digital night club can be successful, surely the sky is the limit.      

The first companies to find a way to dissolve geographic barriers when it comes to talent acquisition stand to gain a substantial competitive advantage, drawing from a much wider pool of talent, offering a higher diversity of experience. Necessity is still the mother of invention. 

In short

  • Remote working seems to work for many. 
  • Remote working allows the induction of international talent with minimal hurdles.
  • Whoever irons out the remaining creases first – will gain a substantial competitive advantage.